Abundance Codes

Let’s talk about money and limiting belief systems .


Money is a form of energy and it is a valuable resource in this world . Yes, the love of money has been coined to be the root of all evil and suffering and yet money is directly linked to our quality of life and an important resource to build a foundation upon . 

I witness a lot of people who want abundance and financial freedom , yet I see these same people very subtly judging those who are living with this kind of security. I see these projections of envy, judgement, fear, feelings of scarcity and insecurities within themselves blocking them from receiving the very things they desire . I feel these people subconsiously thinking things like "oh hey look at that asshole driving around in his Rolls Royce while kids are starving in the world.” When in reality , deep down inside , they are wishing they had that kind of financial freedom to live a comfortable lifestyle themselves .


I know this perspective from personal experiences . I once traveled the world for several years with very limited funds . I was working 1 month out of the year , pulling in about 2,500$ so I could travel for the remainder 11 months. I did this for about 3 years . I was living “abundantly” at the time , mostly off grid in food forests and permaculture farms, hitchhiking from place to place, country to country, touring Central and South America. At the time it was just me , my hammock and my 60 L backpack. Yes I was extremely happy , yet in the grand scheme of things , I was not sustainable . I was living in sustainable eco- communities where I didn’t need lots of money , living very sustainably and regenerative with the natural cycles of nature , however I was always wondering how I was going to get through life once I was plugged back into the system . 


At the time I had limiting beliefs around money that were actually keeping me locked into this state of financial scarcity . I believed that money was in fact causing this suffering of humanity . I could see how the architecture of society was valued around money instead of the wellbeing of the people . I believed money was a dirty exchange of energy , tampered with timelines of war , greed and distorted power plays . Due to these beliefs, I was sending mixed messages to the universe and literally saying “keep that form of energy (Money) away from me !” Again , I was very happy, healthy and thriving while also traveling the world . Not a bad life at all . I was sleeping in tents, hammocks and other people’s homes during this primitive chapter of my life , but I knew this was not a long term solution . 


This is when I began viewing money differently . I began seeing it as a necessity in life and seeing how it has not been the MONEY itself that is “dirty” but the ones in POWER using this currency as a form of manipulation and control .  I began viewing money as a critical tool in sustaining my wellbeing and the wellbeing of my friends and family . I began envisioning myself one day having so much money that I myself would be providing this security and opportunity to those that I love . I went from sleeping in my hammock for months at a time , peaceful as can be under coconut trees , to staying on multi million dollar yachts and high end resorts because of my shift of perception . I came to a conclusion that it is important for myself to acquire this level of financial abundance , to get the power into the hands of the people who will use it for the wellbeing of all beings . I look back and see how my own limiting beliefs around money were actually cock blocking me from receiving it . 


The moment I began shifting my perception around money is the moment when mass abundance and opportunity began magnetizing to me . These doors are now open for me to have the energetic and financial support to create my dream life, a life where I can provide for humanity from a place of purity . I now am receiving opportunities to create just this - to plant the seeds for a brighter tomorrow on massive scales . To be in a place of power , purity and service . To rebirth the distortions in integrity and to be fully backed up with all of the necessary resources to do so . From here, I am able to create the world I want to live in from a more (financially) stable foundation .  


On another note:

Why give mixed messages to the universe ?

Celebrate those who are thriving .

This adds bonus points to your abundance cup. 

This lets the universe know that you are ready to receive just that!

This matches your frequency to that of which you are celebrating .

Throw "glitter" and good vibes , not shade . 

This will make the world go round . 

This will support the uprising of all beings . 


So I ask you , what limiting beliefs are preventing you from materializing your dreams ?