Empower Yourself with the Life You Want to Create

The other day someone posted on one of my Facebook photos saying “I wish I didn’t need to work like you ❤️” —— I know this comment came from love , however it was a little triggering and stoked a deeper fire within my soul . My response “I have created my reality as I have created my career . Sovereign , full of expansive experiences and abundant in nature . To assume I do not work is to assume that I am not living out my purpose here on Earth . 👌✨✨ There is not a day in my life that I am not in service ... “working” / anchoring and integrating my gifts here , while also embodying higher awareness and love unconditional . It’s a full time job . And yes , it pays in many forms . ⚡️💸♾ You are the creator of your reality . How do you choose to architect it ?” ——- I then received a few more replies with people asking how I get to travel all of the time and how I afford my lifestyle since I do not have a normal “day job.” My response- “ The last paycheck I received from an employer was when I was 20 years old . This was around the time I made a choice to completely step out of the matrix systems ( Matrix definitely by urban dictionary ::: describing a controlled environment or situation in which people act or behave in ways that conform to roles pre-determined by a powerful person(s) who decides how the world is supposed to function. )

At this point I sold all of my belongings and left America to begin a world tour that lasted about 3 years ... ( well , 6 years . I still consider myself on this path .) Most of the initial 3 years living off grid on eco villages ( mainly in Central and South, Indonesia and Iceland ) , helping cultivate permaculture farms , sustainable communities and retreat spaces in over 10 countries . I traveled using magic , divine presence and synchronicity . This brought new awareness on how to navigate a sovereign lifestyle outside of the matrix .
Since then I have been working alongside individuals on high level creative projects while also cultivating my own business . I am always evolving my practices and gifts , work ethic and connections . —> Over the years I have trained myself to live in this order . I quantify my reality to the natural systems of the universe, aligning to magic and manifestation . I also align to being in full connection to the infinite abundance of the universe and source energy. I spend hours every day fueling my subconsious thought patterns with prayer and affirmation to keep my spirit on this oath and clear of distorted collective templates. I hold myself in such a way where i receive what i deserve. I receive what I give . I don't believe in day jobs . I refuse to live in the system. People always wonder how I seem so free. It is because I liberate myself every day with every choice I make. It is not the easy route. In my opinion, I have signed up for the extra hard/ super advanced/ mastery level of this lifetime. I am a fucking jedi. No, it's not easy . Yes, it's a full time job . 

I am flattered when people view my lifestyle in this liberated sense, however I also scuffle so slightly, thinking - if only they knew. I do not share the depths of my being or my journeys via social media. I do not share the levels of bad assery I accomplish with everyone. You know why? Because it doesn't matter. My ego doesn't need inflated. I know how epic I am. 

For example ::: I am still tying up lose ends from Burning Man. From the photos I post , I may look like another attendee of the event. however behind the scenes , what I just accomplished with a build team of 12 individuals was beyond. Truly a miracle.  We built 40+ structures for a camp of 144 people. Putting together $350,000 of infrastructure in 6 days. 60+ hour work week of physical labor before going into celebration mode at Burning Man ..... and then stayed to break down the camp . I have been cultivating this Burning Man camp with a group of individuals since November of last year. All of this infrustructure is heading to Puerto Rico , where I have been living for the past 10 months . We are then rebuilding these structures as permanent infrastructure on a 500+ acre plot of land ~ that we are creating into a Smart City ... anyway .... this is all truly too much to share with the world , hence why I don't share my personal "business" via social media . And this is one small example of project / work I am involved in this year . Yes I get compensated for my involvement . What I am saying is , my work doesn't look like most . I could go on forever about this topic . I sometimes forget how unique my lifestyle is in comparison to most individuals . Maybe I make a podcast about the architecture of my life . It is pretty magical , I must say . It's not always easy but rewarding 100% of the time . WhooSh , too much typing on my phone . Back to the lushness of the present moment . 

On another note--- We have been programmed our entire life to live inside of a system that is designed to opppress our infinite soul and stray us away from divine truth . We have come to transcend the system and build a new one. New Earth architects . Players of the front lines . We are here . We are the ones we've been waiting for . Remember thia heart song of divine truth when energies become confusing . We are here to dissolve the separation dynamics . We are here to remember love of the highest . One cosmic family unified . And so it is.