Rebirthing the Subconscious Mind

Did you know that 90% of our thoughts are subconscious patterns that have been engrained in us before the age of ten?

This means that during our first ten years, every reflection and piece of feedback we received contributed to a building block of our minds, thus creating the architecture of our reality. Our young minds are very impressionable during these developemental years. These reflections and beliefs from our parents and environments were once necessary in order to grow and build reference to what reality is. Over the years these thought patterns have rooted into our subconscious minds and have created our own belief systems. 

Certain thoughts, triggers, traumas and experiences have left a mark within us from a young age. 

Look at these mental pathways as the roots of our being. If these roots lead to a larger tree and are not healthy or supportive in the direction of our desired destination, what happens? The tree rots. The tree is not able to obtain the nutrients it needs to continue growing. If you are feeling trapped in limiting thought patterns, stagnant in your day to day routines, or stuck as if your life is repeating itself, then this is where we need to explore and uproot the conditions and societal constructs. From here we can plant new seeds of empowerment and conscious inner dialogue. Together we rise in unification and liberation. You are not alone in your process. These imprints are within all beings waiting to be transmuted. Contact us if you are one who is experiencing these cycles and are ready to meet the moment anew.