The Bonus Philosophy

Express your individuality. Allow your true Self to shine. Let go of the blockages that are preventing you from reaching your higher Self. Open yourself up to the abundance from the inside out !

Realize that all else is a bonus… the cherry on top of your already claimed wholeness.

The Bonus philosophy, or the Gift philosophy is one of my favorite practices. This fun practice allows you to be open to the abundance that is always birthing from the inside out. Lets dive deep into our Innerverse. Imagine yourself as an already unified being. Imagine all aspects of your soul, all archetypes and mutlidimensionality, all experiences of pleasure and pain, all shades of our shadows and hues of our light, all parts of the Self are at peace with each other.The past is forgiven and you are fully open to be present with the here and now. Repeat after me: I forgive and accept myself and all of my relations. I am open order to wholeness and ready to receive my highest Self. I command my soul and divine life force in full alignment with Source here now. And so it is." 

You are fully embodied in this unified space of the heart. From this space of acceptance,  you do not need anything outside of yourself to be complete. You do not need validation or justification from outside sources. You are in a state of remembering your own unified soul essence . When you do receive from outside sources, such as receiving something as simple as a compliment, an advancement within your profession, or that relationship that you have been calling in, it is all a BONUS to add to your already full cup! From here, your cup is overflowing from the inside out. You are moving from a place of wholeness and ready to receive abundance from the external. You are ready to fully receive the ever present GIFTS of the universe. In this divine truth you can breath more easily. You are overflowing and moving from a space of gratitude. The work you have to do doesn’t seem like work anymore but instead you are in acceptance with each moment. By sharing these gifts with the world you can invite in more play and fun in the process. You realize that every moment is the gift in itself. Grace begins unfolding with each step you take. Paradise becomes your state of being. Gamifying your very existence. Creating sanctuary and infinite potential from within yourself!!! This is the inner alchemy. 

You are now liberated in your wholeness. You are free to shine your light and share your own personal genius- ready for this expression to overflow into the lives of all those around you. By living this truth, others will naturally begin to follow your example. You are a reflection of divine acceptance and inspiration to all those you encounter. You become a leader in your circles and light the way for others to meet the depths of their own being. The gift that keeps on giving.

I am aware it is not always easy holding this amount of space or this amount of light and loving presence. Especially when you are in an environment that is clouded with distorted perceptions and deep subconscious programming, it can be challenging. It can be challenging and a test of immense patience and compassion to meet someone who has not met themselves at these depths. The more love and acceptance that we can embody in every moment, the less resistance we have to the present circumstance, the more we can be in surrender to what wants to birth into existence. This does not mean you stay in toxic environments. What this means is that you are flexible and fluid with the curveballs that life throws you. Each moment has a lesson and an opportunity to grow and expand. You came here to do this work. You came here to steward these pathways of new paradigm templates by fully landing them within yourself first. As we unify ourselves in these truths, all else becomes one great bonus to our everyday experiences.